Ben & Jerry’s Factory!

Still Making Dreams Come True!

Ever since I have known KA she has talked about her dream of going on a tour of the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory in Vermont!  Everyone knows that KA LOVES ice cream, but let me tell you, this dream came with a serious price tag.  Let me give you the quick run down of what it costs to make this dream become a reality:

Price of on Gas:  $164

Hours Spent in the Car: 13

Price of Parking Ticket: $115.00

Cost of 1 Night in a Hotel: $135.00

Seeing KA’s Face as we Pulled into the Parking Lot:  PRICELESS!

“There are some things that money can’t buy!”

When we arrived at the B&J Factory KA was like a kid in a candy store!  First thing we did upon arrival was got in line to purchase our tickets for a tour of the factory.  The tour consists of seeing where, how, and what the process is for making ice cream!  SO COOL!  When we got to the front of the line, KA asked the ticket master if we had won the “we traveled the farthest so we should get in for free” prize!   Are you asking yourself if that is a real prize?  I know I was!  Guess what, its not!  KA was making it up!  She somehow convinced the ticket master that since we had traveled so far, and this had been her dream for so long, that we should tour the factory for free… and it WORKED!  We totally got in for free!  I love that girl!  Below is a picture of us sporting our free tickets!  Don’t worry, the factory made a pretty penny off of us from all of the purchases we made in the gift shop!  Good times!

(My sirt says: “Body by Ben & Jerry’s” / KA’s shirt says: “Ben & Jerry’s Factory – Vermont”)

After the Factory tour you walk through a long hallway which has framed pictures of the Top 10 Most Popular flavors sold.  KA is standing next to hot item number 5…

Half Baked: This is KA’s Favorite Flavor! 

Once you get outside of the factory you get to see the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream bus aka: “Cowmoblie”.  Lots of history behind this bus… brief history below. 

The “Cowmobile”!

History Lesson:  Ben & Jerry’s launches its “Cowmobile,” a modified mobile home used to distribute free scoops of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in a unique, cross-country “marketing drive” — driven and served by Ben and Jerry themselves. The “Cowmobile” burns to the ground outside of Cleveland four months later, but there were no injuries. Ben said it looked like “the world’s largest baked Alaska.”

Top 10 Most Popular Flavors: YUM!  What are your favorites?  

I found this link below as I was googling something on Ben & Jerry’s…For a good laugh, read the article, then read the comments that people post.  Halarious!  Who are these people?

PETA wants Ben & Jerry’s to use Breast Milk


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