Ballons, the hot kind!

Every year around the 4th of July, Provo city has 3 days set aside where they fill up and fly hot air balloons.  The fly them really early in the morning just before the sun comes up so  the air is still chilly.  All the years I have lived in Utah, I’ve never gone to the balloon show.  This year Jason suggested we go and I am so glad he did.  We had so much fun!  We watched as the balloon-men rolled got everything set up and then filled the balloons with fire.  Once they were all filled up we got to watch them all take off.  There must have been 20 or more balloons in the air that day… it was an awesome sight.  I seriously loved it and could not stop smiling.  Now I really want to go for a ride in one of those little baskets!  Up, up, and away!

Provo Ballons!So early but so worth it.

Fire!This was awesome!

I love it!Seriously, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.  I loved it.

Awesome!Watching the ballons as the sun peaked its way through the moutains.

(watching all the balloons fly in the sky reminded me of the movie “Up”… i really loved that movie.)


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