Finally an Update!

Alright, it has been far to long since my last update, I have so much to write about but don’t know where to start!  To make it easier, and to help me blog in order of events, I am going to make each event have its own category and thus its own post (instead of jamming everything into one huge post).

Get ready for some awesome reading and fun new pics!  Be sure to scroll way down and go to the next page, there are at least 7 new posts for your reading pleasure.

To get started, I noticed a funny new habit I have.  I didn’t notice how out of control it was until looking back over the last few months of photos.  Every time I upload pictures from the camera to my computer I see more of whats below then I do of actual pictures!  I love the freedom of a memory stick!  Looks like this habit isn’t going anywhere soon:




Lovin' it!

I agree, its a little out of control but lets be honest you do it too!   Hey, if nothing else at least I can see how fast my hair is growing and how slow my tan is coming along!  Love it!


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