Wrapping Up Summer!

Wrapping-up the summer is always a hard thing for us to do because it’s our FAVORITE time of year.  We love the hot weather, BBQ’s, fireworks, vacations, swimming, flip-flops, lawn chairs, and the list goes on and on!  Saying good-bye to summer means we have to do it with a bang!  Malcolm and Laura helped us do just that.

No summer is complete without floating down the Provo River, so that’s precisely what we did!  All I can say is we had an awesome time.  Tube Rental = $10, Floating the River Together = PRICELESS!

Party Time!

They’re making those life jackets look good!

Provo River 2009

All Set!

We are family!

This picture was taken before we did the float; notice all the smiles?  The only difference that an after shot would have shown would be bigger smiles and darker tans!  Thanks guys for an awesome afternoon.  We love you!

…and of course in order to officially wrap up summer we had roast marshmallows over one last fire!

Malcolm, Laura, Mckay

Malcolm, Laura, and McKay.

McKay had tons of fun.  He spent all night throwing as many rocks as he could into the fire.

Mal and Laura spent all night keeping him from falling in.  Good Times!   🙂



Laura & McKay

So Cute!

Fire Fun!

Our new favorite kind of marshmallows to roast are the toasted coconut kind.  YUM!

Next time you’re roasting marshmallows, you should try them.

Warning: They are WAY better then the plain ones!  Prepare yourself for massive consumption.

All smiles!

Hanging out and having fun!


Are you surprised?!


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