Back to California!

It’s time for a serious update!  Of course we have to back track the last couple of weeks, but that’s ok!  It’s  easier to  back tracking for the last couple of weeks, then it is to back track a couple months!  I know this from personal experience. 🙂

Since my last post I have traveled back to California and then to Wisconsin.  My stories from Cali are below.

California turned out to be really fun!  This first part of the week was all business (Mon-Wed), however instead of flying right back home when I was done working which I normally do, I extended my stay and had Jas fly down and meet up with me. We’ve really needed a trip and this was the perfect opportunity for some fun!

Jas flew down on Wednesday night and met up with me right after I was done working.  I was SO HAPPY to see him because work  had been crazy hard, nothing was going my way, and the company I was working with was impossible!  Seeing him meant I could put all that behind me and have some fun… that’s exactly what we did.

Our first stop was to California Adventures!

I didn’t open my eyes on this ride the whole time!  I really am scared but it never keeps me from not going on the ride.  Go figure!

Sad but true, we hardly took any pictures while at California Adventures… good thing later that day we used our day hopper pass to go over to DISNEYLAND!  (we had a few more pictures from there).

Classic Disneyland Photo!

Lamest picture ever but it explains what was happening so well!  We kept wanting to get in a picture with the characters that were walking around, however they always seemed to be 5 feet in front of us so we could never get a really good picture.  Lame but so true!


This ride was so fun!  I remember going on it when I was younger and thinking it was the biggest drop ever!

Turns out the drop really isn’t that big.

Day 2 was a fun day at the beach!  There really are no good photos from this day… all we did was relax so I guess I forgot about the camera (which is not like me).  These are our 2 pictures…

Not a care in the world.

I just had to post it.  Love him.

After a day of relaxing we decided to jump in the car, grab some dinner, and then drive up to Redlands Temple.

We took this picture after dinner on our way to a near by candy store, I don’t even know why we took it, but it makes me laugh every time I see it!

After dinner and the candy store it was back in the car to make our way up to the Redlands Temple.  The temple was announced to be built when Jas began his mission and was completed just before he went home.  It is a B-E-A-U-tiful temple and we loved every minute of our visit.

“I love to see the temple…”

Day 3 which was the last day of  our trip didn’t turn out like we tought it would.  We tried to go to Universal Studio’s but we didn’t make it there with enough time to make the price worth it.  Bummer.  I guess that’s the good thing about being on a trip with your best friend, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as you’re doing it together.  Cheesy but true.


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