Dear Delta…

Thank you for making it possible for me to travel to Wisconsin, Ohio, Alabama, and Mississippi all in the last 38 days. Also, thank you for the medallion rankings that make it possible for me to upgrade to first class.  Lets be honest, life it better up there.

Thank you for all the sky-miles that you give me for my loyalty.  I’ll happily redeem them for a FREE flight next time I am flying for fun.  Thank you for providing Wi-Fi on most of your flights.  This helps me stay connected even at 10,000 feet.  You’re right, the sky is no longer the limit.

However Delta, with all that good comes some bad.  I REALLY wish that you would make a dress code that was as strict as your security policy.  There is just something about flying that makes people think they should dress like they are still in bed!  No joke, some people that fly make the people at Wal-Mart look like they are going to the prom!

Is it to much to ask that all passengers where a bra, deodorant,  have brushed their teeth and hair, and have taken a shower in the last week.  These people have to sit next to me and I shouldn’t have to feel like I’m trapped in a Chinese prison.  Delta,  isn’t there something more that you can do for me?

If you were really worried about security, instead of making me take off my shoes, belts, sweater, hat, jewelry  and then make me walk through a X-Ray machine that allows you to see me naked; couldn’t you instead smell the breath, air pits, and butt of the people that I will be sitting next to for the next 4 hours.  Please?

Can I just say that on my last flight I sat next to someone that smelled so nasty!  Words can’t even describe a smell like that.  The  oder of this guy would have raised our national security level to RED!  Freak!  Instead, you let him pass right through your security line  and you made me throw away my finger nail clippers.  Seriously, not cool.

Oh, and last thing… peanuts and cookies are so 1960’s.  Can you please upgrade your snacks?  My flight was over $700 and you gave me a .15 cent bag of peanuts.  Lame.


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