Sar-launa’s Birthday!

The Sar-launa birthday party was a HUGE hit this year!

Little background: When I moved to New York I knew absolutely no one!  In fact, when I first moved to New York I originally thought that I was going to live in New Jersey and then commute into the city to work each day.  However, after discussing my idea with my co-workers, it didn’t take long for that idea to be immediately vetoed!  Everyone told me that since I moved to New York I had to live in the city in order to get the complete New York experience! In my hunt to live in the city I attended the Union Square 3rd ward, which was in the boundaries of the apartment that I was hoping to move into, and that’s where I first met Sara.

She came up my very first Sunday and started talking to me, she was so easy to talk too, so much fun, and had such an outgoing personality that by the end of church not only did I feel like we were best friends but she had introduced me to a whole bunch of new people.  Since then we have become great friends and it all made perfect sense when I found out that we share the same birthday!

Adam who is Sara’s brother who also lives in the city (with his wife Liesel) gave Sara and I a dual birthday bash which they titled Sar-launa!  The big event was held down at 45 Wall Street where a bunch of our friends came to party!  It was a memorable night filled with delicious cake, tasty apple cider, along with the most attrative, smart, outgoing young single adults that New York has to offer!

A big thanks to Adam and Liesel for hosting the party and to everyone who came to help us celebrate our big day!

The Birthday Girls!


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