No trip back to Utah would be complete without my getting a ticket from the Utah County Sheriff’s Department! Yes, of course I got pulled over…why does this always happen to me?!
Check out below all things that I have been charged with… SERIOULSY! I didn’t even know half of these things existed!
Registration on the Car Expired.
Apparently, my registration has been expired since March.
My Plea: But I swear officer, it feels like just yesterday I was down at the DMV registering this thing. Has it really been a year already?
Officer: No, it’s been a year and a half!
Oops! That one was hard to rebuttal!
Registration Revoked.
Apparently, if your car has not been registered with the state within 90 days of it expiring, the state can revoke your car, which means, if you get pulled over they can impound your car until you get it registered…apparently, my car was on Utah’s Most Wanted list. Better my car than me!
No Proof of Insurance.
Apparently, you need this in your car at all times! Hello people, Allstate keeps sending my updated policy cards to my house in New York, so where do you think I keep them… you guessed it… my house in New York! I can barely get myself to the airport, I forgot my boarding pass as I was running out the door to catch my flight, as if there was any chance I would remember to grab my insurance cards…YEAH RIGHT!) Allstate is always telling me how I’m in good hands…I guess their hands don’t extent that far!
Failure to notify the Utah DMV of my move to New York within 10 days of my moving.
I mean seriously! Don’t I get any points for remembering to notify the Post office… You think anyone calls the DMV…Seriously people… COME ON!
I am sure the officer could have kept finding other things to fine me for, but as you can see he ran out of lines on the ticket where you list out the violations!
PLEASE NOTE: Under the speeding category there is no information written. I wasn’t even pulled over for SPEEDING!!! The cop was behind me when I was at a stop light, ran my plates, and that’s what got me this ticket! UNBELIEVABLE!
I am collecting donations to help pay for this ticket (cash and all major credit cards accepted).
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