Zion National Park!

…The birthday celebrations continue!  You should still pretend like its August (not just so you can pretend like we are still celebrating Jason’s birthday, but also so you don’t have to come to terms with the fact it was SNOWING today!)

In August Jas and I packed the car, turned on the iPOD,  and drove 5 hours South to Las Vegas to spend the weekend celebrating his birthday.  I have to be honest that our celebrating consisted of a total of 4 things and 4 things only.  Checking in at the Wynn Hotel, swimming, eating, sleeping, and oh yea… more swimming!  Sadly with all the relaxing I  was horrible at taking pictures.  Here is the 1 picture that we took (and yes, we were on the way to the pool).


After a few relaxing days in Vegas we packed up the car again, turned back on the iPod and made our way over to Zion National Park!  It was our plan to camp in Zion and then hike the narrows the following morning.  Haha!  This is where all the fun really begins!

We purposely left Vegas before we wanted to in order to arrive at our camp site in Zion before dark.  Of course, arriving before dark is usually a good idea because it makes setting up a “tent” so much easier.  Do you seen anything missing from the picture below?

No Tent!

Yep, you guessed it!  The TENT!  We totally forgot it.  We arrived in Zion about 8:30pm in a rush to hurry and set up the tent and unload the car before the sun went down.  Funny thing is when we pulled into the campsite Jason look at me and said,”did we even pack the tent”?  After unpacking the car it was confirmed that we had totally forgotten the tent.  We pulled it off the shelf in the garage to put in the car… but it got left behind.  Oops!

As you can see we still had fun.  We pumped up our air mattress (this also doubled as my bed at home… convenient right!) and slept under the stars.  The night was warm and clear (no rain) so we were lucky.

The picture below is of a lizard that was perched on the tree bark right next to our bed and was the first to greet us in the morning.  Oh the joys of sleeping in the “wild”.

Mr. Lizard!

After I got up, it was off to the showers.  Jason told me that if I wanted to shower that I would need a token that he was given when he checked in.  Just as I was walking away he asked me to hurry so we could get going and then he said “oh and the showers automatically turn off after 5 minutes!”  I laughed and headed off.  In my mind I was thinking…”I am not cut out for camping” AND “why would he tell me to hurry if he knows my shower can only last 5 minutes?”

Anyways, I jump in and wash my hair and body as fast as I could.  I finish and the water kept going, and going, and going, and going!  By this time I was sure it had been more the 5 minutes.  Then I start thinking, “oh my gosh, Jason was just trying to trick me because he wanted me to hurry!”   I seriously convinced myself that he was just kidding about the timer at which point I covered myself in soap and shaving cream so I could take a “real shower.”  Just then…. THE WATER TURNED OFF!  Oh no!  He wasn’t kidding! DANG IT!

Don’t you hate that.  I thought for sure he was joking, guess I should believe him next time he tells me the shower has a timer!  After getting as much soap off me as I could and packing up the campsite it was up the canyon we went.

Welcome to Zion!

I love going up the canyon in Zion.  Everything was so green and pretty.  This was Jason’s first time in Zion’s so it was fun to see him experience it all for the first time.  The pictures below are from our hike.  The water was really low since it was so late in the season.  I think at the deepest point it only came up to our waist, however it was still freezing cold!  We had tons of fun and would totally do the hike again.


Cave Party!


So Pretty!


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