Biking to Bridal Veil Falls!

These pictures are from the end of August when best friend Karylin (KA) came into town from Washington DC on a business trip.   She works for Congressman Jason Chaffetz and lives in DC, however she grew up in Utah and we love when she comes home to visit!  During her stay we were able to get together with our good friends Joe and Jamie for a bike ride up to Bridal Veil Falls.

Our night together was so fun!  We met up at a park about 3 miles down from the falls and had a picnic, chatted, and got caught up on life.  Its always so fun to get together, we can honestly talk all night long.  Good times!  Once we were done with our picnic it was back to the cars to get our bikes.  After getting all the bikes off the racks Joe notice that his bike had a flat tire.  Bummer!  He pumped it up and within minutes it was flat again.  Joe being such a good sport decided that he would run beside everyone instead of riding since his bike wasn’t working.  Because we chatted for so long and and had a few technical difficulties with the bikes, we ended up getting to the falls at dusk which make it hard to take pictures with the water in the back round.  Just know that there was a huge waterfall just behind us!

Biking 2009

Me and KA on the ride up!

Atkin Clan

Joe, Jamie, and Carson at the Falls!  Carson is saying “cheese”! 🙂

Bridal Vail Falls 2009

What Bridal Veil Falls looks like in the day.

Bridal Vail 2009

Me and Jas…half way there.


KA, Me, Joe, and Jamie.  Love you guys!

Big Thank You to KA for planning such a fun night!  We miss you already!


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