Products I Heart!

Here are a few things that I heart these days:

My Quest for fitness and I meet again...and this time I am using a new product called a GoWearFit to help me out.  A GoWearFit is an awesome armband devices that tracks the amount of calories burned in a day by tracking:

  1. Accelerometer-This measures motion and movement.
  2. Heat Flux-How much heat your body gives off.
  3. Galvanic Skin Response-How much stress your body gives off.
  4. Skin Temperature-The temperature your bodies skin is.

This thing is awesome.  Aside from it telling me how many calories I am burning, it also tells me how many hours of sleep I get a night.  Just because I am laying in my bed at night, doesn’t mean that I am asleep, and this thing can tell.  Have you ever wondered how much sleep you truly get each night vs. how much time you spending tossing and turning?  This little thing can tell you (i’m not sure if the sleep tracking is 100% accurate yet, but I feel like its pretty close).

How all this information is processed is through a USB connection between my armband and my computer.  When I am connected it populates all the data it gets from my armband into tons of cool graphs.   If you watch the Biggest Looser, this armband is made by the same makers of the Body Bugg and essentially does the same thing.   In order to get an accurate count of how many calories you have burned vs. how many you have consumed you must enter in your food intake for the day.  If you’ve done that you can really track if you are going to hit your goal weigh-ins for the week.  Its all about accountability and I love it.

This stuff is delicious and is all the rage!  It’s incredibly rich and has a creamy texture and has about twice the protein of regular yogurt-10 grams, less lactose, and fewer carbs.  It’s even organic which means its better for the earth and for you!  What could be better?!  I’ll never go back to the other stuff, not as long as this is around.

These Reva boots are my new favorites!  I would wear them to bed if it wasn’t considered CRAZY!  I got them at the beginning of the winter season at Sole Evny in the Provo Towne Mall next to Dillards.  Best purchase ever!  The reason why I love them is because I can dress the “up or down” depending on where I am going.  If I am dressing “down” you’ll probably see me wearing them with my next favorite thing…

GAP SKINNY JEANS!  Love them.  If you don’t have a pair you should  get some.  Totally worth it.  They look so cute with boots and they are so comfortable!  I wish I owned 500 of these.  Not kidding.

Next is “The Notebook”.  Don’t get confused with the movie.  Having a notebook around for me has been so great.  I mostly take these to church and will write down thoughts I have or good quotes I hear during my meeting.  Then through-out the rest of the week I leave out the notebook so I am able to reflect on those thoughts and take action or remind myself of good spiritual quotes.   Not only do I write down thoughts and good quotes, I often compile a short list of  goals that I want to accomplish during the week too.  These goals range from spiritual goals, to fitness goals, to things i need to do day-to-day.  On the following Sunday, I bring this book with me to church and cross off anything that I accomplished and carry-over the things I didn’t to my next week.  Who knew that having a $2.00 notebook would be so great!  I pick these up at Staples or Wal*Mart.

Holy Hydration!  I love my CamelBak.  I received 2 of these for Christmas and life has been forever changed.  I have one both at home and at work and find that I take them pretty much everywhere.  These things make drinking water cool!  (no punt intended!)  🙂   They don’t leak, water never tastes old, and I have found that I am drinking twice the water I did before and half the soda.  I don’t know what it is about these things but they rock!


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