Work Travel!

Work these days has me doing A LOT of travel, and by a lot I mean every other week; making me home 2 weeks  out of the month and traveling 2 weeks out of the month.

Just for fun and for my own kicks and giggles, I decided that each time I travel, I am going to post on my blog where I’ve been  so at the end of the year I can look back and see all the different cities and states I have visited.   Below is where I have traveled to most recently:

Jackson, Mississippi

San Diego, California

This California trip was actually really fun because I flew into San Diego and ended up being on the same flight as 2 other guys from work, who were on there way to Tijuana,  also for work.  We ended up all going out to dinner to a local restaurant before parting ways.

In addition, the area that I spent the majority of time was in Temecula, which is where Jason served part of his mission.  It was so fun to get to see the area where he lived, tracked, and served.

Detroit, Michigan

Of course, traveling for work has its perks,  and I’ve decided that one of those is all the funny stories I get to have!  Instead of keeping them all to myself,  I’ve decided that from here on out, instead of keeping all those fun stories to myself, I’ve decided to share them with all of you.   (all 5 of you!)   Let me guess, you can’t wait for my next trip right?!  Guess what, me either!  Good stories are sure to come.


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