Evan’s Family Christmas Party!

The Evan’s family Christmas party was a huge hit this year… as always.  I can’t believe Jason’s Grandma still makes this little get together happen!  She is quite the little lady and still loves to have everyone over for a fun night of games and chatting.  I’m really glad she still does because this is an event we always look forward too and we love making memories with her.  One of my favorite memories from this night was when Jason and I were sitting on the couch next to Grandma taking pictures of ourselves with our iPhone.  Grandma could not figure out what the heck we were doing!  When we told her we were taking pictures and that the iPhone had a built in camera and she just couldn’t believe it!  It was super funny.   We love her.


The Babes capturing Christmas Eve #2 as a married couple.

Grandma Evans discovering the iPhone camera for the first time.

This picture says it all…  Where is it?!  It’s inside the phone?!

Aside from Grandma’s sheer amazement of the phone, other things this picture captures is how she still wears makeup and gets all dressed up.  I don’t think I have ever seen her (not even when we are camping at Bear Lake) without her eye brow makeup, lip stick on, and her hair done.   When I am her age I want to still be doing my makeup too!  I love this Grandma!

Lynn Gray, Grandma’s husband taking a nap in the chair at the party.  Getting old has got to be the best!

You’re tired and need a nap, no problem, you now have the magical ability to sleep anytime – anywhere and with any amount of chaos going on around you!

We didn’t have tons of pictures from the party this year, but Jason did take this cool panoramic picture, with his iPhone which shows everyone just hanging out having a good Christmas Eve together.

After the party was over, Jason and I and Tyson and Aimee all went over to Charlotte’s house to have a sleep over!  We spent the night playing the game SORRY which I don’t recommend.  Who knew that game could get so intense?!  I swear every time you’re about to win someone sends you home and says…. SORRY!  Which you know they’re not…. HAHA!  Good times!  Eventually we all went to bed and woke up the next morning to the smell of Charlotte’s famous Christmas casserole.  Ahhh, life is good.  Merry Christmas!


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